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New Free E-Guide - Embrace Your Blackness - A Revolutionary Guide in an Anti-Black World ⋆

Episodes 150: The Courage of Self-care
Wellness Robin Lofton Wellness Robin Lofton

Episodes 150: The Courage of Self-care

Police violence. White supremacy and terror. Dehumanizing behavior. Systemic racism. Everywhere. Every day. African Americans and other people of color face constant threats not only to their physical safety but also to their mental health. This leads to high levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses. Racism-induced stress also reduces the life expectancy and quality of life for many African Americans. Add poverty, lack of health care, inadequate housing, and reduced access to good nutrition and clean water to this deadly cocktail and there is another "pandemic" rooted in racism. Many African Americans are seeking methods to protect their mental health and reduce stress and anxiety. One effective method is meditation, which has proven benefits of fighting stress and anxiety, reducing depression, and improving the quality of life--on mental and physical levels. In this special episode, Robin will discuss the unique stresses faced by African Americans and the benefits of meditation. She will also guide three short meditations to introduce the practice of meditation and provide instant stress relief during these turbulent times. You will not want to miss this episode!

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Episodes 133: Wellness Show for the New Year: Updating your Perspective
Wellness Robin Lofton Wellness Robin Lofton

Episodes 133: Wellness Show for the New Year: Updating your Perspective

Police violence. White supremacy and terror. Dehumanizing behavior. Systemic racism. Everywhere. Every day. African Americans and other people of color face constant threats not only to their physical safety but also to their mental health. This leads to high levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses. Racism-induced stress also reduces the life expectancy and quality of life for many African Americans. Add poverty, lack of health care, inadequate housing, and reduced access to good nutrition and clean water to this deadly cocktail and there is another "pandemic" rooted in racism. Many African Americans are seeking methods to protect their mental health and reduce stress and anxiety. One effective method is meditation, which has proven benefits of fighting stress and anxiety, reducing depression, and improving the quality of life--on mental and physical levels. In this special episode, Robin will discuss the unique stresses faced by African Americans and the benefits of meditation. She will also guide three short meditations to introduce the practice of meditation and provide instant stress relief during these turbulent times. You will not want to miss this episode!

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Episodes 132: Living a Self-Empowered Life: A Black Choice
Wellness Robin Lofton Wellness Robin Lofton

Episodes 132: Living a Self-Empowered Life: A Black Choice

Police violence. White supremacy and terror. Dehumanizing behavior. Systemic racism. Everywhere. Every day. African Americans and other people of color face constant threats not only to their physical safety but also to their mental health. This leads to high levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses. Racism-induced stress also reduces the life expectancy and quality of life for many African Americans. Add poverty, lack of health care, inadequate housing, and reduced access to good nutrition and clean water to this deadly cocktail and there is another "pandemic" rooted in racism. Many African Americans are seeking methods to protect their mental health and reduce stress and anxiety. One effective method is meditation, which has proven benefits of fighting stress and anxiety, reducing depression, and improving the quality of life--on mental and physical levels. In this special episode, Robin will discuss the unique stresses faced by African Americans and the benefits of meditation. She will also guide three short meditations to introduce the practice of meditation and provide instant stress relief during these turbulent times. You will not want to miss this episode!

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Episodes 113: Stoic Solutions to Racism, Covid-19, and other Modern Problems
Wellness Robin Lofton Wellness Robin Lofton

Episodes 113: Stoic Solutions to Racism, Covid-19, and other Modern Problems

Police violence. White supremacy and terror. Dehumanizing behavior. Systemic racism. Everywhere. Every day. African Americans and other people of color face constant threats not only to their physical safety but also to their mental health. This leads to high levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses. Racism-induced stress also reduces the life expectancy and quality of life for many African Americans. Add poverty, lack of health care, inadequate housing, and reduced access to good nutrition and clean water to this deadly cocktail and there is another "pandemic" rooted in racism. Many African Americans are seeking methods to protect their mental health and reduce stress and anxiety. One effective method is meditation, which has proven benefits of fighting stress and anxiety, reducing depression, and improving the quality of life--on mental and physical levels. In this special episode, Robin will discuss the unique stresses faced by African Americans and the benefits of meditation. She will also guide three short meditations to introduce the practice of meditation and provide instant stress relief during these turbulent times. You will not want to miss this episode!

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Episode 50: Wellness Show: The Art of Living with Courage
Wellness Robin Lofton Wellness Robin Lofton

Episode 50: Wellness Show: The Art of Living with Courage

What is courage? The Stoics believed that courage was the most important virtue, the one upon which all other virtues (wisdom, justice, moderation) depend. In a world of the Covid-19 pandemic, systemic racism, violence, marginalization of people of color, and unprecedented poverty, people are called on to show courage on a daily basis for their survival.

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Episode 44: How to Live a Self-Empowered Life
Wellness Robin Lofton Wellness Robin Lofton

Episode 44: How to Live a Self-Empowered Life

What does self-empowerment mean to you? Do you feel self-empowered? In a world of white privilege and white supremacy, many African Americans feel dis-empowered and struggle with maintaining self-esteem. This show will introduce the elements of self-empowerment, the obstacles to self-empowerment, and how everyone can live a self-empowered life.

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Episode 37: Defeating your Fear Meditation
Wellness Robin Lofton Wellness Robin Lofton

Episode 37: Defeating your Fear Meditation

This is the flagship podcast for the Wellness Time series! Many people accept the power of fear in their lives. Fear drives many of our big and small decisions. But fear can affect our mental and physical health causing depression, hypertension, anxiety, obesity, and many other chronic illnesses. Racism and police violence are two major causes of fear among people of color, making us more susceptible to chronic illness.

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