Episode 205: “I don’t see race!” and other Racism Denials

The Espresso Talk Today team discusses their experiences with racism denials. Three generations of Black Americans have a real talk about their thoughts when they hear these statements and how they respond to them. We also discuss the importance of Dr. Philippe Copeland's work to empower Black Americans against racism and to create an antiracist society. We all bring great thoughts and important experiences to this show.! Join us for real talk about this real everyday issue faced by African Americans.

8 Forms of Racism Denial: 

1. Refuting--that's not racist!

2. Minimizing--it's not as bad as it used to be

3. Replacing--talk about something other than race e.g. gender

4. Defending--deploying the black friend. I can't be racist because I have Black friends. 

5. Excusing--I was just kidding. You're overreacting! Different generation.

6. Myopia--ignoring the context in which statements are made.

7. Revising history--avoiding accountability for embracing people who engaged in racism in the past. Lost cause Confederacy. War was not about slavery but states rights.  War of northern aggression.

8. Distorting: turning reality inside out. The real problem is the mistreatment of white people.  

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Episode 206: Saving and Uplifting Black Lives with Public Health Action


Episode 204: The Destructive Power of Racism Denials