Episode 194: Racial Encounters are Real: How you can protect yourself

Racial encounters happen. Every. Single. Day. Anywhere. Anytime. Black people experience them so often that it affects our mental and physical health. Anticipating a racial encounter can also cause stress and trauma. Racial encounters often cause headaches, insomnia, trembling, stomach pain, and many other physical ailments. In this uncommon episode, the Espresso Talk Today team is joined by a special guest who discusses a racial encounter at a department store that left her feeling terrified, vulnerable, and dehumanized.  Her story is real. Please join us to hear about her encounter and learn self-care steps to support her health and well-being. Full names have not been used in order to protect the participants.

Note: This true story could cause a stress or trauma response. Please listen with caution. 

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Episode 195: Real Talk: Black Women showing Love and Courage


Episode 193: Love & Protest: The Power of Nonviolent Resistance