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Episode 34: In the Footsteps of John Lewis: Student Activists fighting for a Better World
American History and Politics Robin Lofton American History and Politics Robin Lofton

Episode 34: In the Footsteps of John Lewis: Student Activists fighting for a Better World

Representative John Lewis inspired a nation and more than one generation. He left a legacy of courage, activism, and non-violence. Young people and students are now picking up the torch and working for a better and more equal world. These young activists are working for civil rights, environmental justice, indigenous peoples' rights, women's rights, LGBTQ rights as well as leading the Black Lives Matter movement. In this exciting and informative episode, Hans (recently finished graduate studies) and Ben (second-year university student) discuss how John Lewis has inspired them and how student activism appears today.

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Episode 19: Do You Have the Right to Vote?
American History and Politics Robin Lofton American History and Politics Robin Lofton

Episode 19: Do You Have the Right to Vote?

Does the U.S. Constitution guarantee the right to vote? Most Americans answer a proud and resounding "Yes!" Unfortunately, this answer is wrong. The Constitution does not guarantee the right to vote--and this has led to many problems. From onerous registration requirements to blatant acts of voter suppression, this "missing" right has disenfranchised millions of potential voters and undermined the integrity of the American electoral system.

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Episode 15: Suppressing the Vote: An American Tale II
American History and Politics Robin Lofton American History and Politics Robin Lofton

Episode 15: Suppressing the Vote: An American Tale II

The right to vote is deeply entrenched in the United States. But, today, many people rightly question this belief. President Barack Obama shockingly stated that the United States is the only liberal democracy that makes it more difficult for people to vote. The United States does indeed have a long and terrible history of denying the vote to African Americans and the poor.

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Episode 14: Suppressing the Vote: An American Tale I
American History and Politics Robin Lofton American History and Politics Robin Lofton

Episode 14: Suppressing the Vote: An American Tale I

The right to vote is deeply entrenched in the United States. Or is it? President Barack Obama shockingly stated that the United States is the only liberal democracy that makes it more difficult for people to vote. The United States does indeed have a long and terrible history of denying the vote to African Americans and other people of color, women, and the poor.

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