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New Free E-Guide - Embrace Your Blackness - A Revolutionary Guide in an Anti-Black World ⋆

Episode 98: White Supremacy Hidden in Plain Sight
Black History and Culture Robin Lofton Black History and Culture Robin Lofton

Episode 98: White Supremacy Hidden in Plain Sight

Robert E. Lee Memorial Statue (Richmond, VA). Edmund Pettus Bridge (Selma, AL). Confederate Soldiers & Sailors Obelisk (Birmingham, AL). Buffalo Bill Cultural Center (Kansas). Columbus Day holiday. Gone with the Wind. What do these have in common? They remember the history of White Americans. However, many people—particularly people of color—are denouncing these public remembrances for their idealization of slavery, segregation, genocide, mass rape, and other atrocities. Other people respond that their history or heritage is under attack and that their stories are not fully acknowledged. Who is right? Can we respond in a way that acknowledges the full--and often ugly--history? The Espresso Talk Today team approaches these difficult questions and gives their opinions about what should be done about these historical sites. Join us in this lively discussion about White supremacy hidden in plain sight. There are no right or wrong answers--just opinions here! Grab your espresso…

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Episode 96: The Myth of the Powerful Black Voting Bloc
Black History and Culture Robin Lofton Black History and Culture Robin Lofton

Episode 96: The Myth of the Powerful Black Voting Bloc

African Americans are a large voting bloc. But how much political power do we really have? And how effectively do we use our power? In this episode, we examine this mythical monolithic Black voting bloc. Join us as we compare Black voting power after the passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, consider how we can more effectively use our voting power, and disagree on whether we should refuse to vote as a means of protest. Lots of issues from defunding police to environmental justice to Palestinian rights are discussed. It gets fierce. But it gets us ahead. Join us for this dynamic and uncommon conversation.

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Episode 95: The Important History of the Buffalo Soldiers
Black History and Culture Robin Lofton Black History and Culture Robin Lofton

Episode 95: The Important History of the Buffalo Soldiers

What were the Buffalo Soldiers? Why were they called "Buffalo Soldiers"? What was their role in fighting for America? Why haven't we heard of them? This episode will answer all of your questions about these brave Black soldiers! You will learn who the Buffalo Soldiers were and how they fought in the wars of western expansion. Yet they faced racism, racial violence, and numerous difficulties on their way to becoming feared and respected western legends. The Espresso Talk Today team interviews a docent from the Buffalo Soldiers National Museum--and a direct descendant of a Buffalo Soldier!--who will also teach us about the contributions of African American soldiers in every major American war. Grab an espresso and be prepared to be surprised and enlightened by a true historian, soldier, and storyteller, respectfully known as Trooper Charles Williams.

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Episode 94: Lawyers' Corner on Wills and Trusts
Black History and Culture Marlene Slaughter Black History and Culture Marlene Slaughter

Episode 94: Lawyers' Corner on Wills and Trusts

Do you need a will? What is probate? Can I avoid making a will or going through the probate process? What is a trust? What about taxes? Great questions. The lawyers in this episode discuss these and other important questions about wills, trusts, probate, taxes, and even fraud! Many people don't think about making a will or they don't know why they might need one. They might not know what other legal instrument is better suited for them. Join attorneys, Barry and Mel as well as dynamic paralegal Janice to learn more about these important issues. You need this information! *Remember that estate planning is different in every state.

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Episode 91: Black Athlete Activists who have changed the World
Black History and Culture Robin Lofton Black History and Culture Robin Lofton

Episode 91: Black Athlete Activists who have changed the World

Muhammed Ali. Wilma Rudolph. Colin Kaepernick. All of these African Americans were great athletes. But they were also great activists fighting for racial and social justice. Many people forget the important contributions made by Black athlete activists. Yet they have had an incredible impact on highlighting racial and social injustices--and changing the world.

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