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Episode 57: Why Interracial Relationships Still Face Difficulties
Black History and Culture Robin Lofton Black History and Culture Robin Lofton

Episode 57: Why Interracial Relationships Still Face Difficulties

Interracial relationships are more common but still not fully accepted by society and families. Some people face violence, isolation, and scorn. Yet interracial relationships have existed in the United States since the country was founded but they have faced special difficulties, particularly relations between Black and White people.

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Episode 52: Veteran's Day Special Story on Courage
Black History and Culture Robin Lofton Black History and Culture Robin Lofton

Episode 52: Veteran's Day Special Story on Courage

Veteran's Day in America or Armistice Day in Europe is devoted to honoring all of those who have served the country in war or peace. All soldiers should be recognized for their service and the special challenges that they faced. African American soldiers have faced enemies abroad and at home. Yet their service and courage are often overlooked or downplayed. Not on Espresso Talk Today!

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