Episodes 142: Reflections of a Double HBCU Graduate

2020 was known as the “Year of the HBCU.” While many universities were struggling and saw student enrolment decline, many of the country’s 107 HBCUs—who have always struggled with funding and resources—witnessed a rise in student interest, enrolment, and financial support. Many prominent African Americans were educated at an HBCU. In this episode, the Espresso Talk Today team meets with Rawle Andrews, Jr. Esq., Executive Director of the American Psychiatric Association Foundation. He will share his experiences and thoughts about attending two HBCUs (Texas Southern University and Howard Law School). We will also discuss how his education at Black colleges affected his career vision and goals for equity in health care.

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Episodes 143: How to Support Black Mental Health & Wellness


Episodes 141: Lessons from Black Women History Makers